
Nexiq blue link eld-9
Nexiq blue link eld-9

nexiq blue link eld-9

The following parameters subject to DTC check: Odometer, Engine Hours, Engine Speed, Vehicle Speed Device checks for more than 5 seconds without one or more required core parameters being received from expected source (ECM or calculated), and sends notification to client application on each occurrence.Automatic Data Capture Timeout notifications.Automatic notification of each vehicle motion state change: In -Motion event, Motionless.Automatic notification of each ignition key state change.Updated log record can also be requested immediately by mobile client.Log records notifications automatically occur at 15 -minute intervals.Log record parameter support with selectable raw data or pre -scaled format, with the following information: GPS position and UTC time data, Engine serial number, Odometer, Engine hours, Vehicle speed.Device notification of powered -on date and time.NEXIQ Blue -Link™ Devices Wo rk wi t h GPS TAB® So ftw a r e Du ring Ac tiv e Bluetoot h A pp l i ca ti o n Co nn ec ti o n See b elo w f o r t h e com p a tib le h a r d w a r e de vi ce. Mo n t h l y Su bs c ripti o n Co s t Pa r t# GPSTAB -ELD……………………$20. FMCSA CERTIFIED: Operate with confidence with FMCSA -registered GPSTab ELD. Monitor current location, speed, miles traveled, route selection, detention time, and other driver activities to improve safety and overall operations of your entire fleet. GPS TRACKING: Most accurate and relevant data to help you manage your fleet. LOAD LOCATION S H ARING: Ability to share shipment and driver location data with your customers ONLY while under their load will reduce unnecessary tracking -related correspondence. DOCUMENT SCANNER: Get paid faster by having instant accessibility to delivery receipts. AUDIT DRIVER LOGS: Prevent HOS violations. MESSAGING: Streamline communications with messaging within the system. DRIVER SCORECARD: Increase safety and productivity of your drivers. IFTA: Automated collection and recording of state miles will save you time and ensure accuracy in tax filings. U s e wi t h t h e r el i a b le Ne xi q ELD -9 o r ELD -16 (s ee b elo w). FMCSA certified software helps to promote safe driving and compliance while minimizing DOT violations. Set up your fleet management portal online and manage your truck or fleet. UTECH ELD software allows drivers to use existing smart Android phones or tablets. UTECH’s GPSTab -Electronic Logging Device (ELD) software is simple and affordable, yet packed full of useful features. Unique Truck Equipment 2018 Unique Truck Equipment:

Nexiq blue link eld-9